Lorne Street Elementary Home

Lorne Leads, Lorne Learns, Lorne Loves


Feb 11

Bank Time Dismissal

Time: 1:25 PM

Feb 12

Parent Workshop--Resilient Families

Time: 8:15 AM – 9:15 AM

Feb 18

Lorne St school sign

About Us

Welcome to Lorne Elementary and STEM Magnet!  Lorne Eagles embody excellence in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics in order to solve real world problems as global citizens through a social/emotional emphatic lens.
STEAM is everywhere mural

Our Mission

Lorne Elementary & STEM Magnet teachers, staff, students and community are committed to excellence.  Students collaboratively investigate, analyze, and articulate their knowledge and discoveries.  Diversified experiences in math literature, science, technology, engineering, social studies, and the arts inspire our students to embrace a passion for learning.